
TSA Metal Products takes its environmental responsibilities very seriously and is committed to ensuring that our business activities do not interfere with the natural environment. The longevity and sustained health of our planet should be a primary consideration for all businesses and this ideal influences the way we design and manufacture. Our goal is to produce quality office furniture which is going to give years of trouble free service which is why we offer a lifetime warranty on all of our Australian made storage cabinets and mobile pedestals.

In 2009 TSA Metal Products obtained the ISO 14001 certification. Our Environmental Management System (EMS) covers all of business activities and we are committed to:

  • Encouraging the environmental awareness of staff through training, education and communication
  • Reviewing our objectives and targets for minimising the impact of our business on local environments and develop appropriate programs to achieve these objectives.
  • Monitoring and evaluating our environmental initiatives through internal and external audits

Please click here for a copy of our Environmental Policy. 

Please click here for a copy of our Product Stewardship Policy. 

Please click here for a copy of our Warranty Statement.